Uncertainty Meditatio|不确定性的冥想
三屏影像 22′00″ 2020-2021
疫情的爆发和持续暂停了人们生活的惯性,不确定性颠覆了习以为常的确定性,人类面临的问题和不可知的未来,让我们不得不重新思考人与万物的关联及有限性。影片以澳门赌场为 背景,以博彩场景为隐喻,探讨机遇、不确定性对人类社会的意义和塑造作用,以A、B两个 角色对同一问题的不同回答,概括有限的人类知识对问题探究的不同或相反的角度,以远距 离的静观方式审视繁华世界的落寞和对未来的冥想。
three-screen video,22′00″,mp4,2020- 2021
The outbreak and continuous suspension of the epidemic has suspended the inertia of people's lives. Uncertainty has subverted the accustomed certainty. The problems facing mankind and the unknowable future make us have to rethink the connection and finiteness of people and everything. The film uses the Macau casino as the background and the gaming scene as a metaphor to explore the meaning and shaping role of opportunity and uncertainty in human society. It uses the different answers to the same question by the two roles A and B, and summarizes the limited human knowledge to explore the problem. From different or opposite angles, to examine the loneliness of the bustling world and meditate on the future in a long-distance way.