广州美术学院油画系教授、博士导师、广东美术家协会实验艺术委员会委员、全国高等教育委员会委员、 美国克莱门特研究生院客座教授、四川美术学院客座教授、曾任天津美术学院实验艺术学院院长(特聘).
Che Jianquan
Doctoral supervisor at Thailand Burapha Universitie; professor at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts(GAFA); guest professor at the Claremont Graduate University (CGU) and the Sichuan Institute of Fine Arts(SIFA); member of the Experimental Art Committee of the Guangdong Artists Association and China Association of Higher Education; former distinguished professor at the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts(TAFA).
As a cross-media artist, Che Jianquan has been working on various categories of art encompassing painting, documentary, writing, and multi-screen image installation. For a long time, Che has been taking the intertextuality between the video image and painting as the core of his research and practice. His works emphasize the visual differences and mutual influence between manual operation in painting and video aesthetics, revealing the impacts of the mystery and energy of nature on human landscapes. At the same time, Che tries to interpret “the relationships between humans and nature, as well as history and collective memories” in the current phase of China’s development, of which related works were included in exhibitions by important art institutions in Italy, Germany, Japan, Austria, Taiwan, and other countries and regions. Che’s works are also collected by art museums, cultural institutions, and individuals.
2023.6 制图编年史 牛房 澳门
2022.5 一时一刻----车建全个展 广东美术馆 广州
2012.2 时间胶片----车建全个展 深圳 华美术馆 深圳
2010.6 犹在镜中——车建全个展 华艺廊 广州
2017.12 世界不是你的想象----车建全个展 艺术天津 天津
2018.8.六朝松----车建全个展 甘乐阿舍美术馆 台湾
Solo Exhibitions
2023.6 Chronicle of Cartography, Ox Warehouse, Macao
2022.5 CheJianquan: Moment by Moment, Guangdong Museum of Art
2018.8 Pine of the Six Dynasty, Asir Art Museum,Taiwan
2017.12 The World Is Not Your Imagination (Che Jianquan’s Solo Exhibition within Art Tianjin),Tianjin,China
2012.2 Time Film, Hua Gallery ,Shenzhen, China
2010.6 Through the Glass, Huayilang Gallery Guangzhou, China
2024.4 第60届威尼斯双年展 威尼斯军械库 意大利
2023.11 湾区时刻-连州国际摄影年展 连州 广东
2023.8 神遊 上海外灘藝術中心 上海
2023.8 概念重置 基督城藝術中心 新西蘭
2023.8 東往西來 貝利尼博物館 意大利
2023.7 成都双年展 成都美术馆 成都
2023.3 中国当代艺术展 萨尔瓦多国家艺术馆 萨尔瓦多
2022.5 元境 第一届威尼斯元宇宙展 威尼斯军械库 意大利
2022.4 哈瓦那双年展 哈瓦那艺术博物馆 古巴
2022.2 视之不见 三三当代艺术中心 广州
2021.12 唤醒原力 知美术馆 重庆
2021.11画廊四十年----中国当代叙事 东方文化交流中心 广州
2021.11 图像与上手 牛房仓库 澳门
2021.3 广东国际影像三年展 广东美术馆 广州
2020.12 济南当代艺术双年展 山东 济南
2020.11 广州美院油画谱系研究展 广州美院美术馆 广州
2020.10 早期风格研究 三三画廊 天津
2020.10 重构现场 大湾区国际艺术品保税中心 广州
2020.6 脚踏何地——当代艺术邀请展 尚榕美术馆 广州
2019.10 为何一切尚未消失 三三画廊 天津
2019.3 无问东西——中国当代艺术 克利夫兰州立大学美术馆、田纳西州立大学美术馆 美国
2018.12 感知测试---实验艺术年展 岭南画院美术馆 东莞
2018.12 第六届广州三年展平行展-未来进行时 紫泥堂美术馆 广州
2018.12 意视界—2018全国当代绘画邀请展 滨海美术馆 天津
2018.11 实验艺术特展 莱切博物馆 意大利
2018.10 艺术天津 天津
2018.9群贤-中国当代艺术邀请展 华中农业大学艺术馆 武汉
2018.7 在乌托邦之上与孤岛和解 爱慕美术馆 北京
2018.4 艺术北京 农展馆 北京
2018.3 回归本体-广东新时期抽象艺术溯源 广州美术学院美术馆 广州
2018.3 巷弄里的灵光----两岸当代艺术展 台南大新美术馆 台湾
2018.3 乌泥冲—满京华美术馆当代艺术展 满京华美术馆 深圳
2018.3 回归本体-广东新时期抽象艺术溯源巡展 关山月美术馆 深圳
2018.1 T20膺.未来- 2018全国重点美术院校学术论坛暨中国当代艺术名家邀请展 新西塘越里
2017.12 回归本体-广东新时期抽象艺术溯源 岭南画院美术馆 东莞
2017.12 纽约时代广场纳斯达克中国艺术家项目 纽约时代广场 美国
2017.12. 绵延-中国当代艺术展 汉威国际艺术中心 北京
2017.10.佛罗伦斯双年展 (金奖) 佛罗伦斯 意大利
2017.8. 透镜—---2017-中国当代艺术邀请展 深圳美术馆 深圳
2017.6. 机遇—北方-----中国当代艺术邀请展 黑龙江美术馆
2017.6. 深圳主义-----中国意大利当代艺术双年展精品作品展 深圳双玺时光道 深圳
2017.3 授业与同修 第一回 OCAT 创意园艺术方位 深圳
2016.10. 融合的力量------当代中国心象艺术 柏林中国文化中心 德国
2016.10. 世纪归鸿---天津美术学院办学110周年教师作品展 中国美术馆 北京
2016.9 中国风景:3+首届中美艺术邀请展-洛杉矶站 CGU GALLERY 美国
2016.6 东方-艺术天津 达沃斯论坛 天津
2016.5.游吟时代---中国当代艺术中的诗意 艺术方位画廊 深圳
2015.12第三只眼 广州美术学院大学城美术馆 广州
2015.12当代艺术邀请展 台湾大新美术馆
2015.10交流/广州美术学院师生作品展 圣彼得堡列宾美术学院 俄罗斯
2015.10 小幅油画邀请展 关山月美术馆 深圳
2014.5 富山国际艺术邀请展 富山美术馆 日本
2012.12 第27届亚洲国际艺术展(AIAE) Ratchadamnoen Contemporary ART Center 泰国曼谷
2012.9 中国景观----中国当代艺术邀请展 斯特拉斯堡圣托马斯教堂 法国
2012.10 吾民吾土----中国当代艺术邀请展 广东美术馆 广州
2011.9 开放的学院意识 广州美术学院美术馆 广州
2010.4 富山国际艺术邀请展 富山美术馆 日本
2009.10 长沙进行时----长沙千年时间画廊 千年时间画廊 长沙
2009.2 科罗版的艺术 798千年时间画廊 北京
2009.1 长城与篱笆的那边——中国当代艺术邀请展 奥地利富拉尔贝格美术馆 奥地利
2007.12 创造与融合---中国油画名家学术邀请展 首都博物馆 北京
2007.9 本来——艺术北京 北京农展馆 北京
2006.12 重构与融合 台北国父纪念馆 台湾
2006.12 新造型艺术 胡一川美术馆 广州
2006.12 广东美协50周年星河特展 广东画院美术馆 广州
2005.10 绘画的当代性格 广州美术学院美术馆
2005.2 关系艺术展 哈勒美术馆 德国
2005.1 现代名家油画展 第一现代美术馆 马来西亚
2004.5 一面·另一面 广州美术学院美术馆 广州
2004.5 影响力——生于60年代艺术家 三彩画廊 广州
2003.5 广州美术50周年优秀作品展 广州美术学院美术馆 广州
2003.10 第三届中国油画展 中国美术馆 北京
2003.4 第三届广东油画精品展 顺德美术馆 广东
2003.3 第三届广东油画展 优秀奖 广东美术馆 广州
2002.4 世界之桥艺术展 La brence画廊 法国巴黎
2001.12 中国高等美术院校2001届毕业生优秀作品展 优秀奖 历史博物馆 北京
2000.12 第二届广东油画艺术展 广东美术馆 广州
1998.5 中国艺术大展优秀作品展 香港大会堂 香港
1997.10 中国艺术大展 天津艺术博物馆 天津
1997.4 中国当代油画展 中日友好交流中心 北京
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024.4La Biennale di Venezia , Venetian Arsenale, Italy
2023.11Bay Area Moment - Lianzhou International Photography Festival, Lianzhou , Guangdong
2023.8Divine Wandering, Rockbund Art Museum Shanghai
2023.8 Concept Reset,Christchurch Arts Centre ,New Zealand
2023.8 East to West , Bernini Museum, Italy
2023.7 Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu Art Museum,Chengdu,China
2023.3 Contemporary Chinese Art, Museo de Arte de El Salvador, El Salvador
2022.5 The 1st Annual METAVERSE Art@VENICE, Arsenale,Venice,Italy
2022.4 14 Bienal de la Habana, The Havana Art Museum,Cuba
2022.2 Urban Focus Vol.4:Void, 33 Contemporary Art Center, Guangzhou, China
2021.12 Awakening the Force, Zhi Art Museum, Chongqing, China
2021.11 40 Years of The Gallery: Contemporary Chinese Narrative, 53 Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2021.11 Symbiosis: Imagery and Aptitude (PRD Contemporary Art Exhibition), Ox Warehouse, Macao
2021.3 Rethinking Collectivity: Guangzhou Image Triennial 2021, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2020.12 The First Jinan International Biennale, Jinan, Shandong Province, China
2020.11 Art Mechanism-Based Creations, GAFA UAM Museum,Guangzhou,China
2020.10 Early Style Art Project, Sun Sun Art, Tianjin, China
2020.10 Reconstruct Scene, The Great Bay Area International Artwork Bonded Industrial Center, Guangzhou, China
2020.6 Exploring Identity ,Shangrong Gallery, Guangzhou, China
2019.10 Why Hasn’t Everything Gone Yet, SunSunArt, Tianjin, China
2019.3 Neither East Nor West: New Works by Contemporary Chinese Artists, The Galleries at Cleveland State University, USA
2018.12 Perception Test: Experimental Art Exhibition of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Lingnan Art Museum, Dongguan,China
2018.12 Future Progress: Invitational Exhibition of China Contemporary Art (Parallel Exhibition of the 6th Guangzhou Triennial), Zini Town of Art, Guangzhou, China
2018.12 Vision: National Contemporary Painting Invitational Exhibition 2018, Binhai Art Museum, Tianjin, China
2018.11 Esposizione eccezionale dell’Istituto Sperimentale d’Arte dell Accademia di Belle Arti di Tianjin in Italia, Must-Museo storico di Lecce,Italy
2018.10 Art Tianjin, Tianjin,China
2018.9 Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Art Museum of Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan
2018.7 Reconciling with the Island on Utopia, Aimi Art Museum, Beijing, China
2018.4 Art Beijing, National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
2018.3 Return to Ontology: Tracing the Source of Abstract Art in the New Period of Guangdong (Tour Exhibition ) ,GAFA Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2018.3 Illumination in an Alley: Cross-Strait Contemporary Art, Da Xin Art Museum (Tainan), Taiwan
2018.3 Wu Ni Chong ,MJH Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China
2018.3 Return to Ontology: Tracing the Source of Abstract Art in the New Period of Guangdong (Tour Exhibition ) ,Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
2018.1 T20 Invitational Exhibition of Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists, XIN XI TANG YUE LI Art Museum, Hangzhou,China
2017.12 Return to Ontology: Tracing the Source of Abstract Art in the New Period of Guangdong (Tour Exhibition ), Lingnan Art Museum, Dongguan, China
2017.12 New York Times Square NASDAQ Chinese Artists Project, Times Square, New York, USA
2017.12 Continuation: Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Hanwei International Art Centre, Beijing, China
2017.10 Florence Biennale (Golden Prize Winner), FORTEZZADABASSO, Florence, Italy
2017.8 Lens: Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition 2017, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
2017.6 Opportunities and the North: China Contemporary Artists Invitational Exhibition, Heilongjiang Art Museum, Harbin, China
2017.6. Shenzhen Doctrine: Contemporary Art Biennale Exhibition, Shuangxi Time Road, Shenzhen,China
2017.3 Fueled(Part One), J &Z Gallery, OCAT,Shenzhen,China
2016.10 The Power of Integration: Contemporary Chinese Mental Image Art, Berlin Chinese Cultural Center, Berlin, Germany
2016.10 The Marco Century:Special Exhibition of Teachers for the 110th anniversary of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, National Art Museum of China,Beijing,China
2016.9 The China Landscape:The 1st “3+ Exhibition” of Sino-US Artists, CGU Gallery, USA
2016.6 The 10th Summer Davos 2016 Annual Meeting of the New Champions ,The 10th Summer Davos, Tianjin, China
2016.5 The Era of Wandering: Poetic Orientation in Chinese Contemporary Art, J&Z Gallery, Shenzhen, China
2015.12 The Third Eye, GAFA UAM Museum, Guangzhou, China
2015.12 Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Taiwan Daxin Art Museum, Taiwan
2015.10 Exchange: Exhibition of Works by Teachers from Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art ,I. E.Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, Russia
2015.10 Small-Sized Oil Painting Exhibition, Guanshanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China
2014.5 Toyama International Art Invitational Exhibition, Toyama Art Museum, Japan
2012.12 The 27th Asian International Art Exhibition China (AIAE), Ratchadamnoen Contemporary ART Center, Bangkok, Thailand
2012.9 Chinese Landscape: Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, St. Thomas Church, Strasbourg, France
2012.10 My People, My Land:Chinese Contemporary Art Invitational Exhibition, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2011.9 Open Academic Awareness,GAFA Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2010.4 Toyama International Art Invitational Exhibition, Toyama Art Museum, Japan
2009.10 Changsha in Progress:Changsha Millennium Time Gallery ,Changsha Millennium Time Gallery,Changsha,China
2009.2 The Art of Collotype, 798 Millennium Time GALLERY, Beijing, China
2009.1 Beyond the Great Wall & the Fence: An Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art , Vorarlberg Art Gallery, Austria
2007.12 Creation and Fusion: Chinese Oil Painting Masters Academic Invitational Exhibition, Capital Museum, Beijing, China
2007.9 Art Beijing 2007 ,National Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, China
2006.12 Restructure & Integration, National Sun Yat-sen Memorial Museum, Taipei, Taiwan
2006.12 New Plastic Arts, Hu Yichuan Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2006.12 Xinghe Special Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of the Guangdong Artists Association, Guangdong Art Academy Art Museum, Guangzhou
2005.10 Contemporary Character of Painting, GAFA Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2005.2 Relation, Halle Gallery, Germany
2005.1 Modern Masters: Oil Painting Exhibition, The First Modern Art Museum, Malaysia
2004.5 One Side and the Other, GAFA Art Museum, Guangzhou,China
2004.5 Influence: The 1960s-Born Artists, Tricolor Gallery, Guangzhou, China
2003.5 Excellent Works Exhibition for the 50th Anniversary of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, GAFA Art Museum, Guangzhou
2003.10 The Third China Oil Painting Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing.China
2003.4 The Third Guangdong Oil Painting Exhibition, Shunde Art Museum, Guangdong, China
2003.3 Excellent Award Winner, The 3rd Guangdong Oil Painting Exhibition, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou, China
2002.4 Bridge of the World, La Brence Gallery, Paris, France
2001.12 Excellent Award, 2001 Graduate Works Exhibition of China Higher Art Institutions, History Museum, Beijing, China
2000.12 The 2nd Guangdong Oil Painting Art Exhibition, Guangdong Art Museum, Guangzhou
1998.5 Chinese Art Exhibition (Outstanding Works Exhibition), Hong Kong City Hall, Hong Kong
1997.10 Chinese Art Exhibition,Tianjin Art Museum,Tianjin,China
1997.4 Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition, China-Japan Friendship Exchange Center, Beijing, China
2022 «一时一刻-车建全作品集» 岭南美术出版社
2012 «时间胶片»安徽人民美术出版社
2010 «犹在镜中-车建全作品集» 广东人民出版社
2005 «西方后现代绘画经典»天津人民出版社
2003 «现代绘画材料研究»江西美术出版社
2001 «孤独与宁静» 天津人民美术出版社
Published Monographs
2022 Che Jianquan: Moment by Moment ,The Lingnan Fine Arts Publishing House
2012 Time Film ,Anhui People's Fine Arts Publishing House
2010 Through the Glass,Guangdong People's Publishing House
2005 Classic Works of Western Postmodern Painting, Tianjin People's Publishing House
2003 Research on Modern Painting Materials,Jiangxi Fine Arts Publishing House
2001 Loneliness and Tranquility, Tianjin People's Fine Arts Publishing House
实验广维交互科技驱动下的媒体艺术 松山湖科技园区、大家艺术博物馆 2019.11
艺术特展 意大利博物馆2018.5
感知测试—天津美术学院实验艺术展 东莞岭南美术馆 2018.12
生产之境 –天津美院实验艺术学院公共教育项目 2018
油画间接画法08XJ001 2001 课题组成员:车建全、郭润文 成果形式:专著
美术材料研究 02XJA009 2002 课题组成员:车建全 成果形式:专著
Research Projects
2019.11 Multidimensional Interaction: Technology-Driven Media Art, Songshan Lake Science and Technology Park, Dajia Art Museum
2018.5 Special Exhibition of Experimental Art, Museum of Italy
2018.12 Perception Test:Experimental Art Exhibition of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Lingnan Art Museum, Dongguan
2018 The Mirror of Production: Public Education Project of the School of Experimental Art, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts
2001 Indirect Method of Oil Painting (Monograph, Project number: 08XJ001, Members of the research group: Che Jianquan, Guo Runwen)
2002 Research of Fine Arts Materials(Monograph, Project number: 02XJA009, Member of the research group: Che Jianquan)