平行世界Ⅱ|The parallel worldⅡ
作品主题是关于自然是如何清理人工痕迹的。通过对90年游乐园造园运动的回顾,反思人类的 行为和在时间中经历的衰败进程,以及不可逆转的坏空和腐朽如何覆盖人的作为。巨型环球游 乐园作为中国改革开放初期特殊的文化产物,曾经满足了国人对世界的好奇和渴望,伴随全球 化时代的到来,曾经风光无限的主题乐园走向倒闭,并逐渐退出历史舞台,由于土地/债务/管理 等问题的纠结,它们作为特殊庞大的文化遗物正在经受时间的洗礼,并被自然悄悄清理,还原 为真正意义上的自然的乐园。 《平行世界》的命题来自主题乐园中“你给我一天,我给你一个世界的”的宣传词,不同国家 的标志性建筑就像一个被拉平的折叠绘画,经过泰国神庙就进入了阿拉伯清真寺,穿过金字塔 就到了荷兰风车屋,它们并排连成一个线性的世界幻觉,它们既从景观上平行存在,也和现实 世界平行存在,这种特殊的景观构成了奇特的视觉和心理体验,是探查现代人类学遗址的重要 标本,影像以流动的绘画作为叙事线索,在魔幻与现实交错的情境中,重思“世界”在当下的 意义
The theme of the work is about how nature cleans up artificial traces. Through the retrospect of the 90-year amusement park gardening movement, I reflect on human behavior and the process of decay experienced in time, and how irreversible badness and decay cover human actions. As a special cultural product in the early stage of China’s reform and opening up, the giant universal amusement park once satisfied the curiosity and desire of Chinese people for the world. With the advent of the era of globalization, the once-popular theme park has closed down and gradually withdrew from the stage of history. The entanglement of debt/management and other issues, as a special huge cultural relic, is undergoing the baptism of time, and is quietly cleaned up by nature, and restored to a real natural paradise. The proposition of "Parallel World" comes from the slogan "You give me a day, I give you a world" in the theme park. The iconic buildings of different countries are like a flattened folding painting, and they enter Arabia after passing through a Thai temple. The mosque, through the pyramids, you reach the Dutch windmill house. They are connected side by side to form a linear world illusion. They exist parallel to the landscape and the real world. This special landscape constitutes a peculiar visual and psychological experience. It is an important specimen for exploring modern anthropological sites. The images use flowing paintings as narrative clues to rethink the meaning of the "world" in the context of the interlacing of magic and reality.