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The gaze​r|观看的人

单屏影像 16′00″ 2022

观看的人是关于一部记录艺术家在庐山创作状态的纪录片,从他和庐山的第一次相遇到跨越20 年的创作与记录,一个人和一座山的关系不仅是灵感的激发,也是自然的养育、自我探索的生活方式,一个人从有限的观看融入自然的无限。


The gazer is a documentary recording the artist's creative state in Lushan. From his first encounter with Lushan to his creation and recording spanning 20 years, the relationship between a person and a mountain is not only the inspiration, but also the way of life of natural upbringing and self exploration. A person integrates limited viewing into the infinite of nat

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