The World Around Us|同尘
单屏影像 98′56″ 16:9 2020
展示方式:全片共13个章节,可根据展览需要选取不同章节多屏播放。(此片为初版,可根据需要调整不同版本) 本片摄于台湾,以历时三年的田野调查和视觉采集为记录方法,对自郑成功在台南建立府城以来 的府城历史,和以福建、潮州、客家移民植入的文化习俗和生活方式,以及原始崇拜和现代文明的 混杂与矛盾的关系,进行了深入考查,通过视觉记录,事件跟踪、视觉呈现的工作方式,建构了台湾社会不同文化系统错综复杂的鲜活生态,以小说章回式的结构,串联文脉承传和市俗崇拜的纠结 关系同时,试图以纯粹视觉的影像话语和碎片,拼合破裂的历史沟壑,揭示凡圣同居于红尘的愿 景与冲突,构成一个解读特殊地域生态的多面体影像文本,探讨纷繁表象之下的社会学意义及对文化根源的探寻。
video, 98′56″, 16:9,Mp4, 2020
Presentation method: This video work consists of thirteen chapters, several of which may be singled out for multi-screen mode playback to meet the needs of different exhibitions. As a preliminary edition, this work may also be adjusted to different versions as needed. An in-depth video work filmed in Taiwan, The World Around Us constructs a vivid ecology of the island’s complex cultural systems in the society, utilizing visual documentation, event tracking, and presentation. Through a three-year field investigation and visual sampling, artist Che Jianquan reviews Tainan’s history as an ancient prefectural city dating back to the Zheng Chenggong (Cheng Cheng-kung) era, experiences the lifestyle and custom implanted by the Fujian, Chaozhou, and Hakka immigrants, and investigates a hybrid yet contradictory relationship between primitive worship and modern civilization. In a structure like the Chinese chapter-styled novel, The World Around Us also connects the tangled relationship between cultural heritage and folklore worship. At the same time, with purely visual images as well as fragments of video discourse, the work tries to bridge the broken gaps of history, reveal the hopes and conflicts as the Saint and mortals’ cohabitation in this human world, and form a multifaceted video text that interprets the ecology of a special region. The film is also an exploration of the hidden sociological significance and the search of cultural roots beneath the complicated surface as hustle and bustle