单屏影像 14′21″ 2
St.lu动物园建于1969年,开放之初,动物园中的狮子、猴子、孔雀、企鹅,熊,豹,狼、豺 狗,蟒蛇,深受本地人的喜爱,外地观光客也慕名而至。80年末门票收入已无法维持动物园的 日常运营,由于食物短缺和气温变化,动物先后死去。90年动物园改为以本地的山鸡、鸟、野 兔、猴子为主的宠物主题乐园,庐山动物园因经营入不敷出。于1993年停止运转。其人财物划 入花径公园。其动物房舍和园区荒芜至今。如今在路边向游客索要食物的猴子就是动物园关闭 时放走的猴子的后代。 此片是作者荒废三部曲的第二部,运用平均并列的时间结构,通过对一座荒废动物园的身 临其境的场景记录,追溯动物曾经存在的踪迹,寻找逝去的生命讯息,以及自然之力如何重新 覆盖并重塑曾经人声鼎沸的公共场域,将发生的故事淹没在时间中。
A poem dedicated to dead animals and deserted lands. video, 14′52″, 16:9, Mp4,2020
Managed by The Flower Path Tourist Administration Bureau, the 1969-built Mt.Lushan Zoo, in its early years, saw lions, monkeys, peacocks, penguins, bears, leopards, wolves, jackals, and pythons that were popular among locals and tourists. In the late 1980s, however, the government tightened its budget, and the zoo was restructured, leading to the predicament that the admission fee could no longer sustain the daily feeding expenses for the beasts; as a result, a large number of animals starved and froze to death. Confronted with some of those beasts’ extinction in the early 1990s, the Mt. Lushan Zoo became a theme park, with its creatures substituted by local pheasants, birds, hares, and wild boars. Following the zoo’s complete closure in early 1995 and its deserted state ever since, monkeys we find today that ask tourists for food at The Brocade Valley are the descendants of the monkeys that were released when the zoo was shut.